90 Percent of 18-29 Year-Olds Sleep with Smartphones: Too Connected?

  • More than 75 percent of Americans are now connected to mobile devices (smartphones, tablets and/or laptops). According to a new infographic from Online Psychology Degree, it seems smartphones are becoming much more to users than convenient mobile devices.
  • Some of the more interesting (or perhaps alarming) findings:
  • “90 percent of 18-29 year-olds say they sleep with their phone in or right next to the bed” and “one in three smartphone owners would rather give up sex than their phones.”
  • “In the hour before bed, 95 percent of people say that they regularly browse the Web, text and watch TV.”
  • While 25 percent do not silence their phones before going to sleep, one in ten say they are regularly awakened by calls, texts or emails — and half say if they wake up during the night they check their phones immediately.
  • Online Psychology Degree suggests exposure to the light from electronic devices so close to bedtime suppresses melatonin and can lead to sleep disorders, stress, depression and more negative effects.
  • “You love your gadgets, but taking them to bed isn’t worth it,” concludes the infographic. “When you go to bed, say goodnight to your technology, too.”

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