AsiaD Video: Peter Chernin Discusses Hulu, Netflix, YouTube and More
By Dennis Kuba
October 25, 2011
October 25, 2011
- Peter Kafka interviews Peter Chernin in this interesting 11-minute video from the AsiaD conference.
- “As News Corp.’s longtime chief operating officer, Chernin was instrumental in developing Hulu,” reports All Things D. “He explained why he wanted to build the video site — in part to compete with Google and YouTube — and why he thinks its studio owners should help it thrive today — in part to compete with Netflix.” Chernin also expresses his thoughts on purchasing Yahoo.
- Chernin knew IPTV would be big, but didn’t want one dominant video distributor like YouTube. Thus, the studios got together to create Hulu, which today competes with Netflix.
- Chernin believes online viewers will pay $2 per month for premium content. He talks about the future of video and creating something like a digital HBO.
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