ETC Publishes White Paper on Consortium Shared Identity
October 14, 2019
Led jointly by ETC’s Seth Levenson and Cisco’s Randy Zhang, the Adaptive Production’s Blockchain working group at the Entertainment Technology Center is tackling issues regarding identity and onboarding/offboarding workflow within the entertainment industry. The working group examined the numerous inefficiencies and inconsistencies of production staffing. From temporary contracts to the inconsistent methods of bringing members on and off productions, a great deal of efficiency, legitimacy, and security is lost. The group’s technical white paper, Consortium Shared Identity (CSI) over an Enterprise Blockchain, presents solutions and lays the groundwork for a potential proof of concept down the line.
With CSI, the industry would tap into the same single database and share the same onboarding and offboarding practices. This system would also protect privacy while still preserving efficiency through what is called “zero-knowledge proofing.”
The goal is to establish a private blockchain that allows industry members to leverage each other’s work efficiently without sacrificing privacy and security.
The release of the paper, to be socialized in relevant events such as the HPA Tech Retreat, will focus on the idea presented in the white paper, and feedback will be welcome.
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