Ninja Core: NVIDIA Touts Advantages of Tegra 3 Mobile Superprocessor

  • NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang focused Monday’s CES press conference on the new line of devices utilizing the Tegra 3 processor, stressing the variety of mobile solutions companies have to offer individual users with different needs and expectations.
  • Billed as a quad-core device, the Tegra 3 actually has five CPUs. The fifth processor, or “ninja” core as it’s affectionately called by its creators, provides the key to the new variable symmetric processing.
  • Huang said the processing makes it possible to maintain or increase computational power while maintaining low power consumption.
  • The company also demonstrated its prism display technology that enables devices to maintain image fidelity as backlights are dimmed to save power through a reprocessing of each individual pixel’s brightness and color.
  • The company unveiled another new feature of the Tegra 3, Direct Touch, where the ninja core is used to directly sample data at roughly triple the rate of a traditional capacitive touchscreen.
  • Huang highlighted Tegra 3’s support of Android Ice Cream Sandwich as well as the new OS’ ability to unite the development process and user experience across platforms, from mobile phones to tablets and ultrabooks.
  • Where to see it: South Hall 31431

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