Photographer Hacks 1919 Camera to Canon DSLR with Impressive Results

  • What do you get when you hack a circa-1919 camera to a Canon 5D? You get some remarkable images that look like they are from another era.
  • Does this mean these old cameras and their lenses have another life?
  • “I’ve had this Piccolette Contessa-Nettel (1919) folding camera for ages. Its been a great piece of photo history sitting on my shelf. Was curious if it could make pictures again, so I hacked it onto my 5D. Here are the results,” writes photographer and filmmaker Jason Bognacki before his posting of images.
  • “I am a self confessed glass-a-holic,” says Bognacki. “I have been collecting and seeking out vintage, obscure, and trash lenses for a while now. I guess I’ve treated it as an optical education of sorts.”
  • Bognacki is expected to offer more details on his blog regarding how he connected the cameras, but offered Digital Trends a preview: ““M42-EOS mount + M42 Extension Tube + Hot Glue = The 5D View Camera. No lenses or cameras were injured in the process. The process is reversible.”
  • Update: No how-to details yet, but Bognacki’s blog now features some video shot using the older lens.


  1. Bognacki’s blog has been updated with step-by-step instructions for combining the two cameras:

  2. Bognacki’s blog has been updated with step-by-step instructions for combining the two cameras:

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