- The newest Think Quarterly, an online and print magazine Google UK publishes for partners and advertisers, focuses on Creativity.
- In regards to YouTube’s New Era: “YouTube is undergoing the most profound shift in its history — licensing original programming from new creative partners. Its mission is to transform all of us into active participants in TV culture.”
- “Communities are responding to each other. Someone makes a video, then others respond to it or remix it in some way. That is a different kind of entertainment. There isn’t an analog from 50 or 100 years ago. It’s a brave new world,” suggests Professor Gary Edgerton, media scholar at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, and author of “The Columbia History of American Television.”
- “We are seeing a convergence in all mediums of storytelling and it’s really exciting. We’re not just looking at more specific content, but also a level of interactivity that is going to be the future of content consumption going forward… I think there will always be original, linear content but what it’s going to turn into is the integration of more user-generated content like multiple endings, or plot suggestions that are contributed interactively and create a daily experience that offers the option to consume linearly but also to ‘gamify’ content in a way that is perfectly apropos with the device you are consuming it on. I want to tell stories that are ‘5D’ in terms of interactivity,” explains Anthony Zuiker, creator of the hit TV series “CSI.”
- Earlier editions are also available, including: The Speed Issue — January 2012, The People Issue — September 2011, The Innovation Issue — July 2011 and The Data Issue — March 2011.
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