Judge Rules in Favor of Motorola Mobility in Patent Dispute with Microsoft

  • The U.S. International Trade Commission judge overseeing the lawsuit between Motorola Mobility — now being acquired by Google — and Microsoft found that Microsoft infringed on four Motorola patents in making its Xbox gaming consoles, but the fifth patent in question was not violated.
  • “The patents in the complaint are for technology like wireless connections for the Xbox to the Internet and video compression to speed transmission,” explains Reuters.
  • A final ruling will be issued in August after the full commission reviews the judge’s decision.
  • Motorola Mobility is looking to have the infringed devices banned from importation into the U.S. Even so, Microsoft remains “confident the commission will ultimately rule in Microsoft’s favor,” the company said in an emailed statement. Motorola Mobility is also “confident in our position,” the company said in a statement.

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