TV Everywhere: Sony Virtual MSO Waiting on Comcast Bandwidth Caps

  • Sony confirms it is working on a “virtual MSO” that could provide TV programming anywhere without geographic limits. It is, however, waiting for clarity on whether Comcast will apply bandwidth caps that could prevent viewers from using such a service.
  • “These guys have the pipe and the bandwidth,” said Michael Aragon, VP and GM of global video and music at Sony Network Entertainment. “If they start capping things, it gets difficult.”
  • Comcast says it will offer its Xfinity service without any caps since it uses the company’s own private network. But other services from Sony or Netflix will be subject to caps. The FCC has said they will look into the situation as this may violate Net neutrality.
  • “Virtually every tech giant out there has been rumored to be exploring a virtual MSO model, though few have confirmed such intent, including Apple, Amazon and Intel,” reports Variety. “Sony is a logical market entrant considering its digital content storefront is made available through a wide range of devices manufactured around the world, from its XBox rival Playstation to Bravia TV sets.”

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