- Apple still doesn’t pay for product placement in entertainment media, yet its products appeared in more than 40 percent of last year’s top movies.
- According to Brandchannel, that percentage represents almost twice the penetration of Dell, Chevrolet, and Ford — the brands most commonly used in Hollywood content.
- “Apple has spent decades strengthening its subtle but powerful grip over Hollywood, and unlike many companies, says it never pays for its products to appear on television or in movies,” reports Businessweek. “The company’s gadgets were discussed or shown 891 times on TV in 2011, up from 613 in 2009, according to researcher Nielsen.”
- Dominance in this arena comes at a transitional period for traditional marketing as consumers increasingly skip ads via their DVRs and are influenced more by social media.
- Apple has proven successful in media content where devices are treated as objects of devotion or a certain hipness factor is required. “Producers and executives may make plot changes or write entire episodes merely because they love a brand or in exchange for freebies,” explains the article.
- “Apple won’t pay to have their products featured, but they are more than willing to hand out an endless amount of computers, iPads, and iPhones,” says producer Gavin Polone. “It’s kind of a graft situation.”
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