Game Developers Wooga and EA Pull Social Games from Google+

  • Wooga and Electronic Arts announced they will both pull games from Google+, less than a year after the network first launched social games.
  • “The decision from two of the five largest social gaming companies comes as a result of the network’s struggles in engaging users, and the larger audience available on Facebook,” according to The Verge.
  • Wooga has already taken its “Monster World” game down and will remove both “Bubble Island” and “Diamond Dash” in early July. Additionally, the EA-owned PopCap plans to remove its “Bejeweled Blitz” game.
  • “After the game platform launched, Google+ received a lot of attention from game developers, in part because they were looking for somewhere else to go besides Facebook, but also because the company was sharing 95 percent of the revenue from virtual goods with developers, and was keeping only 5 percent for itself,” reports AllThingsD in a related post. “That was, and remains, much more generous than the 30 percent cut that Facebook takes.”
  • “Although the decision is a setback for Google+’s social gaming prospects, the network still has 40 games available including notables like ‘Angry Birds’ and several popular Zynga games; whether it’ll continue to attract new titles, though, is another question altogether,” comments The Verge.

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