Opinion: With Latest Projects, Does Google Understand Consumers?

  • Sam Biddle offers a compelling commentary via Gizmodo that questions several of the announcements made during the recent Google I/O event, suggesting the company “revealed an unsettling lack of human understanding.”
  • “We’ve had privacy concerns before, but could it be more? Could it be that Google just doesn’t get real people?” asks Biddle.
  • The keynote featured some interesting products including the Glass wearable computer, smartphone system Google Now, the Nexus Q social media streamer, and new Google+ parties.
  • “But underneath each of these feats of technology you could see a hollow, lurching weirdness that makes you wonder: Who will use any of this stuff besides the actors in Google’s promo videos?” he asks.
  • Google is indeed ambitious and its motives seem genuine in its efforts to make our lives better through technology.
  • However, Biddle questions whether Google, despite its intentions, is effectively focusing on today’s average consumers: “There isn’t any lack of effort or innovation here, but rather a gaping disconnect between the way data geeks and the rest of us see the world.”

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