Opinion: Five Years In, How the iPhone Disrupted the Computer Industry

  • While the iPhone was once considered just a fancy, expensive cellphone by some — it’s now obvious, five years after its initial launch, that the iPhone continues to revolutionize mobile phones and computing.
  • “The iPhone is not and never was a phone. It is a pocket-sized computer that obviates the phone. The iPhone is to cell phones what the Mac was to typewriters,” according to John Gruber of Daring Fireball.
  • Gruber suggests that the iPhone was the “world’s best portable computer… It was the best because it was always there, always on, always just a button-push away. The disruption was not that we now finally had a nice phone; it was that, for better or for worse, we would now never again be without a computer or the Internet. It was the Mac side of Apple, not the iPod side, that set the engineering foundation for the iPhone.”
  • The post claims that in the past five years, Apple has “destroyed the handset industry by disrupting the computer industry.”
  • “Today, cell phones are apps, not devices,” notes Gruber. “The companies that were the most successful at selling cell phones pre-iPhone are now dead or dying. Amazon, Google, and now even Microsoft are designing and selling their own integrated touchscreen portable tablets. ‘App’ is now a household word. All of this, because of the iPhone.”

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