- TED is selling e-books and subscriptions through its new app, TED Books for iOS (iPhone and iPad). Individual books are available for $2.99, while a three month sub including six books costs $14.99.
- The TED Books app allows for enhanced features like video and audio. “For example, videos of TED Talks are embedded into some of the books,” notes paidContent. “They can also be streamed to Apple TV through Airplay. An ’embryonic’ commenting feature allows readers to leave comments at the end of the books.”
- “‘Founding subscribers’ — those who sign up in the first 90 days — get free access to all the books in the back catalog,” adds the post. “Authors are paid advances and also get a royalty each time their book is downloaded.”
- “Assuming we get enough subscribers, we are guaranteeing an author a first printing that is larger than they were used to,” says Tom Rielly of TED, noting that many speakers are not full-time authors.
- “They don’t necessarily have time to write a giant book,” he adds, “but they can get one of these books together more quickly.”
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