The Internet of Things: Facebook Updates its iPhone App with MQTT

  • Facebook implemented a new technology in the messaging features on its iOS app. According to ReadWriteWeb, the new update “could have a potentially big impact on the future of the Internet of Things.”
  • “The technology is called Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), an IBM-developed protocol for real-time messaging over networks with low power and bandwidth,” the post explains. “For Facebook app end-users, the immediate effect of using the push-driven protocol for the updated app won’t immediately be apparent, but it portends some potentially big features down the line.”
  • For the Internet of Things to become a reality, devices needs to seamlessly communicate with each other and users.
  • “Messaging in the Internet of Things sector is still gelling around one standard implementation, as device manufacturers figure out how to get sensors and other micro-devices to best communicate with the Internet and from there the rest of the world. MQTT is one such protocol,” suggests ReadWriteWeb.
  • Being adopted by Facebook could be the first step in MMQT becoming the standard.

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