Bing It On Challenge: Microsoft Goes Head-to-Head with Google Search
By emeadows
September 11, 2012
September 11, 2012
- In the world of competitive search engines, Google continues to reign supreme. However, Microsoft’s Bing search engine continues to make progress. Bing’s market share has nearly doubled to reach 15.4 percent, according to comScore.
- Mike Nichols, corporate vice president and chief marketing officer for Bing, spoke with Fortune about what Bing is doing to continue its steady rise and hopefully compete with Google in the future.
- Nichols claims that Bing’s searches are now preferable to Google’s by a 2-to-1 margin, according to independent research.
- To prove these numbers, Bing is hosting the nationwide “Bing It On” challenge, an ad campaign which asks users to search for something on both Bing and Google and rate which answer is better.
- “What we’re trying to do here is [encourage] people to compare Bing and Google head-to-head, and we believe that as people do that increasingly they will see that Bing is worth breaking… that Google habit,” says Nichols, “because of the quality of the search results, because it’s the only search service that includes useful information from your friends and experts from Facebook, Twitter, etc.”
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