Mobile Ads to Become More Like TV and Better Than Those on the Web

  • Matt Cohler, former Facebook exec and current general partner with Benchmark Capital, argues that mobile ads will eventually be as influential as traditional television advertising and more effective than those on the Web.
  • “[With the Web] you’d get 12 different things going on at the same time,” he pointed out at TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco. “It’s not that immersive. The smartphone is one screen for the user to focus on, in a device they have a deep emotional connection to.”
  • Mobile advertising has historically struggled as users bemoan the experience. This leads to tight pocketed advertisers refusing to spend much on mobile.
  • Cohler has not invested in any companies this year, but suggests mobile payment systems and mobile marketplaces are set to break out into more successful entities.
  • “In the very early days of Facebook, around when they were moving into their first offices, the company would talk about itself as ‘a device in your pocket, that would tell you what your shared context was with anyone around you,'” writes TechCrunch, summarizing a story told by Cohler. “This was before the iPhone, Android and other smartphones of today — and now, that device in your pocket really is what you use, just like early Facebookers had imagined.”

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