Mobile Devices Encouraging Consumption of More Media Content

  • As smartphone adoption expands, users are not only switching their consumption of content over to mobile, but also increasing how much they consume. A new report from BI Intelligence shows how mobile technology has enticed consumers to “access more media than they otherwise would.”
  • Digital consumers tend to read more than print-only readers. The report found that 41 percent of tablet owners access books on their device.
  • Access to music is a primary motivation in adopting smartphones. “The percentage of all U.S. mobile users listening to music on their phones increased from 12 percent in September 2009 to 27 percent in May,” explains Business Insider. “Mobile digital music has not made up for the stagnant record sales, but it has helped fueled the rise of mobile-focused music companies. Mobile now accounts for 70 percent of Pandora’s traffic.”
  • Mobiles have also increased news consumption significantly, expanding the U.S. digital news audience by 17 percent last year. “Mobile readers go to news sites more often, spent more time per visit, and read more articles per visit than desktop readers,” notes the article.
  • Additionally, mobile users are increasingly watching long-form videos (not just YouTube clips) and using their devices as second or third screens.

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