Nielsen Reports 500,000 Less TV Homes, Proposes Adding Web Viewers
By emeadows
September 28, 2012
September 28, 2012
- New Nielsen numbers reflect the continually shifting television viewing habits of Americans, as the number of U.S. TV households fell by 500,000 — dropping for the second straight year.
- “We have had no household formation over the past several years, and I believe there is a modest amount of cord-cutting happening in younger households and in lower-income households,” notes Paul Sweeney, Bloomberg Industries’ director of North American research.
- “To the extent that there is cord-cutting, over-the-top companies such as Hulu and Netflix are benefiting,” Sweeney adds. “These households then fall out of Nielsen’s total household mix.”
- “Nielsen said it’s working with TV and advertising clients on what should constitute a TV home and how to account for new products such as tablet computers. It has already begun incorporating online viewing into ratings,” according to Bloomberg.
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