LG and Google to Unveil New Nexus Phone by the End of October

  • LG Electronics will announce a Google Nexus smartphone at the end of October with a modified version of the South Korean phone maker’s Optimus G handset.
  • The new phone is expected to feature Qualcomm’s Snapdragon quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM, a 1,280 x 768 HD IPS display and an 8-megapixel camera. The companies have yet to name the device.
  • “A Nexus phone could do wonders for LG’s reputation, particularly in the U.S., where the company has struggled to make a name for itself with its smartphones,” reports CNET. “The Nexus devices are used to showcase the latest version of Android, in this case Android 4.2, and often generate buzz in the Android community for the device and handset manufacturer.”
  • LG may not be the only company to launch a Nexus phone as multiple handset manufacturers will reportedly also have the opportunity.
  • Samsung built the Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus smartphones, Asus helped with the Nexus 7 tablet and HTC built the original Nexus One.
  • “The move could be a way to give some of the other handset players a leg up and earlier access to the latest iteration of Android. While Samsung has been tremendously successful with its Galaxy franchise, and its flagship Galaxy S3 in particular, the rest of the Android pack hasn’t fared as well,” suggests CNET.

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