Leaked Photos: Boxee TV Will Feature DVR, HDTV Antenna and Apps

  • The new Boxee TV set-top box — successor to the Boxee Box, originally released in 2010 — reportedly features DVR support, live TV broadcasting capability and Web apps.
  • The Verge has obtained photos of the new Boxee TV: “The new hardware (also manufactured by D-Link) sheds Boxee Box’s angled black cube in favor of a form factor that resembles competing products from Apple, Roku, and others.”
  • “Whereas the current Boxee Box requires a separately-sold dongle to watch live television, the new box carries a TV tuner (complete with coax input) right inside its matte black casing — an external antenna is also said to be included,” notes the post.
  • “It’s here that Boxee seems to be launching a full-scale assault against the traditional cable model, imploring users to ‘watch more free TV’ and ‘stop spending money on stuff you don’t watch’ on the device’s packaging.”
  • According to The Verge‘s anonymous source, Boxee has included DVR functionality that will allow users to watch content across multiple devices, possible via its own companion app.
  • The new hardware also takes into consideration personal media libraries by including network streaming abilities.
  • However, Boxee TV may not be quite ready for prime time. “Our source says the software routinely crashes several times a day and that Boxee plans numerous updates down the line to refine the user experience before any public unveiling,” concludes the post.

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