Is Google Glass Poised to Change the Advertising Industry?
January 25, 2013
Ad execs are imagining ways the upcoming Google Glass Internet-connected eyewear could transform the ad industry, despite Google’s repeated assertion that there are no plans for advertising on the device. “Those who make their living via augmented reality have even more vivid dreams. For them, Google Glass isn’t some weird 20 percent project, it’s the future of advertising,” writes Mashable.
“Stop thinking of [augmented reality] as a business,” suggests John Havens, founder of the H(app)athon Project. “It’s a browser. If this was 1992 and I told you there was something called a Web browser that was going to change advertising, would you believe me? Yet that’s what happened.”
“If Google Glass and its imitators take off, it could literally change the way we see the world and the way we interact with brands,” notes Mashable. “Just as the Internet completely overhauled marketing over the past 20 years or so, so can the ‘Outernet.'”
“In the process we’ll move a step away from the arms-length relationship we consumers have had with brands and a step closer to a consumer-brand mind meld,” the article continues.
If this Outernet does take off, “how will we be carrying out our lives? How will brands inevitably colonize this new frontier?” asks Mashable.
It would likely result in a myriad of coupon ads dependent upon where users are, personalized ads targeted to a user’s demographic and interests and the gamification of everyday life.
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