The team behind Google’s Project Tango research initiative has reportedly developed a tablet with advanced vision capabilities. The tablet is said to have a 7-inch screen, two back cameras, infrared depth sensors, and advanced software that can capture precise 3D images. Google expects to produce 4,000 prototype tablets beginning next month. Similar to its recent introduction of a smartphone with advanced vision capabilities, Google plans to initially offer the prototype to developers.
The device may launch before Google’s annual developer conference in late June.
“Run out of the company’s Advanced Technology and Projects group, Project Tango released a prototype smartphone in February that is similarly packed with sensors and designed to create a kind of three-dimensional map of its user’s surroundings,” reports The Wall Street Journal.
“The technology demonstrated in the smartphone could be used for improved indoor navigation for the visually-impaired, step-by-step directions within stores as well as for more immersive videogames, Google has said.”
With its acquisition of virtual reality headgear maker Oculus VR, rival Facebook will also explore advanced computer vision technology.
IDC analyst Bryan Ma explains, “It is critical to open the new technology to developers first as the key is how you can translate the technology into practical applications.” The idea is that these developers will make sure the devices will appeal to consumers.
Google used the same process in introducing Google Glass, which was only available to developers and early testers until recently.
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