Later this year, Samsung is reportedly planning to announce a virtual reality headset that will work with Galaxy phones and tablets. The headset with OLED screen is designed to provide gamers with a more immersive experience for Android-based video games. Facebook and Sony have been developing their own VR headsets with the much-hyped Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus, but Samsung hopes to offer its product before the competition and at a lower price.
The Sony VR headset is already in the hands of developers who are using it with current Galaxy devices. “The consumer model, however, is said to require the power of next-gen, unannounced Galaxy phones and tablets,” reports Engadget. The VR headset will most likely have a wired connection to Galaxy devices to optimize speed.
“We’re talking about a virtual reality headset — along the lines of Oculus Rift, but more akin to the Android-powered GameFace Labs prototype — created by Samsung, powered by Samsung products,” explains Engadget. “This is not the rumored ‘Galaxy Glass’ project.”
Samsung’s headset would compete against Facebook’s Oculus Rift and Sony’s Project Morpheus headsets. Time reports neither VR headset will be available for at least another year.
Facebook purchased Oculus VR for $2 billion earlier this year and the latest Oculus Rift development kit, which debuted in March, is priced at $350. Meanwhile, Sony’s Project Morpheus headset designed for the PlayStation 4 was also unveiled in March, but it does not have a price tag yet.
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