With AT&T’s $49 billion planned acquisition of DirecTV, the phone company may offer NFL Sunday Ticket programming to its wireless customers. Sunday Ticket, a premium service that allows DirecTV customers to watch out-of-market NFL games, also allows users to stream to mobile devices at an extra cost. If AT&T is able to extend Sunday Ticket to its customers, it would further compete with Verizon, which already has streaming rights to Sunday, Monday and Thursday night football games.
According to Barclays, AT&T “is looking to use the Sunday Ticket content over mobile devices and expects that it can be a differentiator over the long run to gain incremental market share in both mobile and broadband.”
Executives also suggested that NFL game streaming would not count toward data limits.
The Wall Street Journal notes,”But acquiring DirecTV wouldn’t automatically give AT&T the right to sell Sunday Ticket separately to all its wireless customers. DirecTV’s mobile streaming rights only cover people paying for the satellite service. And under current deal terms being contemplated between DirecTV and the NFL, AT&T wouldn’t have separate or expanded rights for Sunday Ticket, according to people familiar with the NFL’s thinking.”
AT&T executives boast Sunday Ticket, if possible, as a key element to future product-bundle offerings.
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