OTT: New Trends Evolving in Streaming TV and Online Video
April 1, 2015
According to research from video optimization company Conviva, about 75 percent of new over-the-top service users stop watching video after just more than four minutes, due primarily to poor streaming quality or too many interruptions. While only 25 percent continue past four minutes, the study shows that some viewers will keep trying. Nearly half will stop the video and try again and 29 percent will try a different platform. A related study notes another trend: OTT services may be steering consumers back to their big screen TVs.
This could be the result of more viewers turning to mainstream OTT services such as Netflix and Hulu in addition to increased options accessible via Internet-enabled devices including Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and the Sony PlayStation.
“A recent Reality Mine report on Digital Video Trends reports that heavy Internet-video users spent 35 percent of their TV-viewing time watching streaming TV shows and movies on television and connected game consoles last year,” reports Multichannel News. “That’s up from about 20 percent in 2013.”
The survey also points to a year-over-year decrease in viewers watching streaming content on computers and mobile devices.
However, the third annual Acumen Report commissioned by Defy Media notes that younger viewers (ages 13-24) now watch an average of more than 22 hours of online video a week. Specifically, they are watching 11.3 hours of free video on sites such as YouTube and 10.8 hours of subscription video via services such as Netflix.
“More young people said they like and relate to content on digital platforms than on TV,” Adweek explains. “A little under 70 percent said they relax by watching digital content, as opposed to 47 percent who relied on television.”
“And to emphasize the importance of online influencers, 32 percent of 13- to 17-year-olds said they admire online talent more than traditional celebrities, and 69 percent of that group believed these digital stars could easily transition to TV and movies.”
Meanwhile, the quality of streaming experiences may become a bigger issue in moving forward as the OTT market is forecasted to become a $10 billion business by 2018.
MediaPost reports the Conviva research found that “after having a poor video experience, 49 percent close the video and try again; 29 percent close the video and try a different Web site/media platform; 11 percent stop watching video altogether; and 10 percent look for new content on the same app/site. Additionally, one in three abandoned their OTT provider if they have a bad experience.”
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