Accessing News: Mobile and Social on the Rise as Print and TV Decline

  • “In a Pew Research Center survey of 3,003 U.S. adults, 17 percent said they accessed news on cell phone or tablet device the day before. Even more — 20 percent — said they regularly get news from social networks like Facebook or Google+,” Mashable reports.
  • The overall online consumption of news increased ten percentage points from 2008 with 39 percent of respondents accessing news online the day before.
  • Twitter was not a popular news source for most; only 13 percent of participants used Twitter at all compared to the 53 percent that used other social networks.
  • “Less than a quarter said they read a print newspaper the day before, about half the number who did in 2000,” Mashable writes. “Magazine readership has likewise declined, though at a softer rate: 18 percent said they read a magazine in print the day before, versus 26 percent in 2000. Book-reading has, at least, remained flat, but more Americans are now reading books through electronic or audio devices.”
  • Television remained the most common source of news for Americans with 55 percent of those surveyed saying they watched news on TV the day before. These people also spent the most time consuming news, 12 minutes more than mobile consumers.
  • “Where news consumption habits shift, ad dollars are likely to follow,” notes the post. “TV advertising levels, which so far have remained steady despite growing competition from online advertising outlets, could be negatively impacted should younger consumers continue to gravitate towards other channels.”
  • “Print, it is clear, still has a tough road ahead. The landscape for social networks and mobile looks promising, but only if marketers can figure out how to demand better ad rates for those channels.”

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