Adobe Publicly Demos Firefly Text- and Image-to Video Tools

Adobe is showcasing upcoming generative AI video tools that build on the Firefly video model the software giant announced in April. The offerings include a text-to-video feature and one that generates video from pictures. Each outputs clips of up to five seconds. Adobe has developed Firefly as the generative component of the AI integration it is rolling out across its Adobe’s Creative Cloud applications, which previously focused on editing and now, thanks to gen AI, incorporate creation. Adobe wasn’t a first-mover in the space, but its percolating effort has been received enthusiastically.

The Verge writes that if Adobe’s demo footage “is any indication of the final release, the generated video quality looks on par with what we’ve seen from OpenAI’s Sora model so far” (adding that Adobe is “exploring” Sora “as a third-party integration for its Premiere Pro video software”).

“Adobe Firefly turns text or images into realistic AI-generated video,” reports PetaPixel, and the clips featured on Adobe’s “coming soon” blog post back it up.

“The tool allows users to generate video clips using text descriptions and adjust the results using a variety of  ‘camera controls’ that simulate camera angles, motion, and shooting distance,” writes The Verge.

As for the image-to-video generator, “Adobe suggests this could be useful for making additional B-roll footage or to patch gaps in production timelines” using reference frames pulled from a work in progress, adds The Verge.

In a news post Adobe says the new Firefly-powered text-to-video and image-to-video capabilities will be “available later this year.” The new features also include Generative Extend, which can extend any input video by two seconds, making it easy to “extend clips to cover gaps in footage, smooth out transitions, or hold on shots longer for perfectly timed edits,” according to Adobe.

Generative Extend will be integrated into Premiere Pro, which PetaPixel notes was “updated with a suite of new color grading tools” this month. The other two features will be available at TechCrunch says all three “are currently in a private beta” prior to general release.

PetaPixel draws attention to the “numerous AI-generated clips” Adobe published with the Firefly news, noting the company claims they were all “created in ‘under two minutes’ using the Adobe Firefly Video Model.”

Adobe didn’t discuss pricing for the new generative video features. “For other Firefly tools, Adobe allots Creative Cloud customers a certain number of ‘generative credits,’ where one credit typically yields one generation result,” with more expensive plans providing more credits,” TechCrunch explains.

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