Amazon Cloud Player App Now Available for iPhone and iPod

  • Amazon has released its free Cloud Player app for Apple devices. This will allow iPhone and iPod touch users to access music stored in the Cloud Drive.
  • “This time, it’s a dedicated app, although it may mean re-purposing the music library you’ve already built up from Apple’s own collection,” notes Engadget. “You can’t buy tracks from within the app just yet, but at least your iTunes-bought AAC tracks are transferable.”
  • Users receive 5GB of free storage and can purchase plans for unlimited storage space.
  • “Customers using the Amazon Cloud Player App can stream, download, and manage their music in the cloud, eliminating the need to download files before playing them,” according to the Amazon press release. “With this new app, customers have full access to their Cloud Player music libraries and also can seamlessly add playlists that are currently on their iPhone or iPod touch.”

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