Amazon Created Online Commerce: Who Will Create Mobile Commerce?

  • Three months ago, Forbes contributing writer Eric Jackson wrote an article projecting that Facebook and Google would not exist in their same mighty, dominant capacities in about 5-8 years time, because of the rapid rise of mobile commerce and activity.
  • At the time, he didn’t write much about Amazon, a company also vulnerable to the desktop-to-mobile shift. A powerhouse of online shopping, how will Amazon fare within the new landscape where people access shopping sites through mobile devices rather than desktops?
  • While Amazon and other giant companies are banking on the fact that people will access their sites on mobile devices in the same way they would on computers, evidence shows that’s not always the case.
  • “The reality is that we shop differently with our mobile devices compared to how we shop from our home office PC. The commerce companies who succeed will be the ones who understand the important differences and cater successfully to either the PC buyers or the mobile buyers (or both),” writes Jackson.
  • Jackson says it’s not about deals, but about immediacy and accessibility. There need to be opportunities for a shopper to take a photograph of a wanted dress and immediately identify the designer and where to purchase it online. It’s also about location and discovering deals close by.
  • Jackson notes that Pinterest and Etsy have promising mobile commerce models. He also extends congratulations to eBay for its quality iPad app and mobile commerce plan thus far.
  • Even so, Jackson predicts that it’s a yet un-invented mobile commerce app that will truly revolutionize the market. “My guess though… is that whoever is the leading mobile commerce app on smart phones and tablets for the next 15 years will get a pretty big valuation,” writes Jackson.

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