Amazon Digital Media Innovation Hub to Develop Next-Gen Services

  • Amazon is expanding its digital media R&D efforts with a new 47,000 square-foot facility in Central London.
  • The company is bringing together design and development teams from streaming rental firm LOVEFiLM and Pushbutton (which creates digital media interfaces for Amazon’s platforms) at its Digital Media Innovation Hub.
  • According to Amazon, the main goals for the Hub are “the creation of interactive digital services for TVs, game consoles, smartphones and PCs; the development of the digital media experience on Amazon websites around the world; and the building of services and APIs that power that digital media experience.”
  • SlashGear explains that digital media is the “cornerstone” of Amazon’s Kindle products that are “primarily intended to encourage users to buy or rent more content.”
  • “That same strategy is tipped to be at the heart of Amazon’s upcoming smartphone,” notes the post. “The handset would be Android-based but heavily reskinned, ousting Google’s own content stores in favor of Amazon’s own media and app distribution.”

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