Analyst Offers Checklist for Determining Whether to Switch to Internet TV

  • Cable subscriptions average $60-$80 a month compared with streaming services that typically cost around $10 a month. ITworld writer Brian Proffitt walks his readers through the steps to determine if cord cutting is right for them, acknowledging that streaming services are, in fact, not for everyone.
  • First, he recommends that viewers identify their habits — for example, what they watch most (movies, sports or primetime television). According to the post, most online services now have good movie offerings, so movie-watchers should be able to make an easy switch.
  • Services like Hulu Plus offer a great selection of television. For frequent TV viewers, Proffitt suggests first listing the shows that are watched (even guilty pleasures) and identifying what streaming sites provide them in a timely fashion.
  • For sports fans, cutting cords can be much more difficult. Many sports have subscription-based seasonal passes, but they are likely subject to blackout rules.
  • Once a viewer has a good idea of what content is most frequently watched and which services offer them quickly (very important — some TV shows are delayed months on some streaming services), Proffitt recommends a good connection to the Internet without severe data limits. If you are always going over your data allotments, you may find the money you save by cutting cable subscriptions is quickly redirected.
  • Additional considerations include the cost of the Internet TV device (for example: Boxee, Apple TV or Roku), ensuring high definition and quality sound, and the ability to play other content like home movies on the TV.

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