Analyzing the Effects of Big Data and Cloud Computing on Networks
By David Tobia
October 17, 2012
October 17, 2012
- Juniper Networks and Forrester Research surveyed 150 senior IT executives to help analyze how trends in cloud computing and big data have affected enterprise networks.
- The survey found that 58 percent of respondents had to upgrade their network hardware because of increased demand from cloud services.
- Mobile device usage also rose as a result of cloud services, as 47 percent of respondents indicate that more employees have begun bringing devices to work.
- “The complications for networks have grown past the point where you can simply add more bandwidth and hope for the best,” writes AllThingsD. Eighty-six percent of those surveyed said they could not start new services or support business demand because of an overmatched network.
- The main takeaway from the report is that networks are now often under too much demand.
- Networks can no longer just add more bandwidth when they struggle, but rather need to “be built with overarching business objectives in mind, with teams that are usually separate — security, manufacturing, quality control — getting more intimately involved with building the network than they have been before,” explains AllThingsD.
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