Annual Internet Trends Report Details Rapid Adoption of Mobile

  • Mary Meeker of Kleiner Perkins has released her annual “Internet Trends Year-End Report,” in which she concludes that mobile penetration remains on an upswing, driven by interest among children and adults.
  • Meeker reports that 43 percent of children 6-10 want an iPad for Christmas and 36 percent want an iPad Mini.
  • Her report also notes that mobile devices now drive 13 percent of Web traffic, which is a 10 percent increase from her mid-year report, reports TechCrunch. Shoppers also have flocked to mobile, with 24 percent of online shopping occurring on tablets and smartphones.
  • Windows has seen its market share drop because of mobile, as it now only controls 35 percent of the market while iOS and Android combine for 45 percent.
  • Meeker explained that while iPods and iPhones both revolutionized their respective markets, the iPad has grown even faster. “And yet, Android has managed to grow six times faster than the iPhone — up from 4x at her mid-year talk,” writes TechCrunch.
  • Additionally, the report indicates mobile monetization and revenue are growing at 129 percent CAGR and Meeker anticipates a significant upside in the U.S. “for both Web and mobile advertising — to the tune of $20 billion.”

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