Anthropic Announces Enhanced Claude Enterprise Plan for AI

Anthropic has launched the Claude Enterprise subscription plan to compete with OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise business solution. Focused on security and administrative controls, Claude Enterprise is designed to help organizations securely collaborate with artificial intelligence using proprietary internal data. Pricing will vary based on the number of seats and how Claude is used but is expected to be more expensive than Claude Pro and Claude Teams ($20 and $25 per month, respectively). An expanded 500K context window, more usage capacity, and a native GitHub integration for work on entire codebases are advantages Anthropic touts for Claude Enterprise.

“It also includes enterprise-grade security features — like SSO, role-based permissions, and admin tooling — that help protect your data and team,” Anthropic notes in a news post about the new tier.

The Claude Enterprise Plan “marks the latest effort targeting company tech leaders eager to put AI models to the test, but concerned about the safety of corporate data,” writes The Wall Street Journal, noting that the enterprise space is quite competitive, and Anthropic is a relative latecomer.

“Competing model makers like OpenAI and Google, which has agreed to invest up to $2 billion in Anthropic, have a head start in their push into enterprise settings,” WSJ reports, adding that OpenAI claims to have “more than 92 percent of Fortune 500 companies using some iteration of its products.”

Microsoft, OpenAI’s principal investor, also sells the AI startup’s products, including ChatGPT Enterprise, through its Azure OpenAI service.

Anthropic Chief Product Officer Mike Krieger says the company’s reputation as an advocate for responsible AI “is typically enough to get the door open, but not enough to fully make the sale,” according to WSJ. An Instagram co-founder, Krieger cites Claude’s social aspects, like teams, as a differentiator.

VentureBeat references Claude Enterprise’s “massive expansion of its context window to 500,000 tokens” as another big plus, and says the new tier “represents a fundamental shift in how AI assistants can be integrated into corporate workflows.”

The expanded context window allows Claude “to understand and process vast amounts of corporate data, from extensive codebases to lengthy sales transcripts, in a single interaction,” explains VentureBeat.

While Claude Enterprise runs by default on Claude 3.5 Sonnet, it will also be offered with Claude Haiku or Claude Opus.

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