AOL Nibiru Project Aims to Build Refrigerator-Sized Micro Data Centers

  • AOL is in the process of building data centers “about the size of French door refrigerators,” according to GigaOM.
  • Mike Manos, AOL Services CTO, wrote of the initiative — part of a project code-named “Nibiru” — in a recent blog post.
  • “If they work as planned, AOL will be able to deploy new services and infrastructure when and where needed with little more than an electrical outlet required,” reports GigaOM.
  • “Our primary ‘Nibiru’ goal was to develop and deliver a data center environment without the need of a physical building,” writes Manos. “The environment needed to require as minimal amount of physical ‘touch’ as possible and allow us the ultimate flexibility in terms of how we delivered capacity for our products and services.”
  • According to Manos, these mini-data centers offer multiple benefits, including:
  • “It redefines software architecture for greater resiliency.”
  • “It allows us an incredibly flexible platform for driving and addressing privacy laws, regulatory oversight, and other such concerns allowing us to respond rapidly.”
  • “Gives us the ability to drive Edge Computing delivery to potentially bypass CDNs for certain content.”
  • “Gives us the capability to drive ‘Community-in-a-box’ whereby we can quickly launch new products in markets, quickly expand existing footprints like Patch in a low cost, but still hyper-local platform, allow the Huffington Post a platform to rapidly partner and enter new markets with minimal cost turn ups.”

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