Apple Helps Bands Promote Live Performances with ‘Set Lists’

Apple is giving bands the opportunity to turn their concert repertoires into Apple Music playlists with the Set List feature, which lets fans savor the live concert experience. Powered by Bandsintown, Set List enables artists to turn the songs from a single show, residency or tour into a playlist that in addition to being shared on Apple Music can be displayed on music app Shazam (Artist and Concert pages). Once a Set List is published, artists can use the Promote feature from the web or the Artists app on iOS to share the playlist with fans on social media.

Using Set List is easy, suggests TechCrunch, explaining that in order to take advantage of the feature “artists are required to connect their Apple Music page with Bandsintown to help increase the discoverability of their shows.”

Once the two accounts are connected, artists can use Apple Music for Artists to choose the show category (concert, tour or residency) and link to upcoming Bandsintown dates. Artists can also upload an image to create playlist cover art.

“Then, they can choose tracks by typing in search or by pasting Apple Music links,” TechCrunch reports. Artists can arrange tracks to correspond with their actual performance, or switch it up.

The publication date and time can be scheduled, letting artists get granular as to when they want to release the playlist, giving fans a well-timed sneak peek into an upcoming live show, or a chance to relieve a past one.

Bands can also hide or delete their Set Lists. While hiding allows re-publication later, deleting permanently removes it, Apple explains in a support post.

“Music fans have been showing interest in new types of playlist creation tools, including apps like LineupSupply and Instafest that made playlists from photos of concert or festival posters,” writes TechCrunch, adding that “today, the app stores offer more tools that let you build playlists via AI, as well.”

If a favorite act “doesn’t hop on this bandwagon,” fans can still access set playlists, Engadget explains, pointing out that “with Setify, you can link either Apple Music or Spotify and pull in data from in order to make your collections.” That option allows for some fine-tuning when it comes to curation, Engadget points out.

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