Attention Broadcasters: Mobile Video Viewing is on the Rise
June 23, 2014
According to a study from Ooyala, mobile devices are increasingly playing a major role in the consumption of online video. The research indicates that during the first quarter of this year, smartphones and tablets were responsible for 21 percent of all online video-plays worldwide, up from 9 percent in 2013 and a mere 3.4 percent two years ago. Considering that mobile and tablet video viewership is up 532 percent since 2012, the data should be of particular interest to broadcasters.
“Over the last couple of years, several companies, including most notably Microsoft with its Xbox One, have been promoting the benefits of multiscreen viewing,” reports CNET. “Microsoft in particular believes that there’s an opportunity for broadcasters to share relevant content to viewers on their mobile devices as they’re viewing something on their televisions.”
Ooyala CEO Jay Fulcher said companies need to seriously consider multiscreen viewing in order to “build a fundamentally better video business.”
While 226 million Android devices shipped in the fourth quarter (about four times more than Apple device shipments), the study surprisingly learned that 82 percent of all mobile video consumption occurs on iOS devices.
Additionally, Ooyala discovered that 48 percent of consumers watched video content for 30 minutes or more.
“The statistics in our Global Video Index continue to affirm our belief that mobile is in large part the future of video and TV consumption,” said Fulcher. “We see the acceleration of mobile video consumption happening globally, as consumers in every region adopt mobile and tablet video faster, and interact with it longer.”
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