LG Magic Motion Remote Features Voice Recognition, Scroll Wheel, Gestures

  • LG has announced a 2012 updated version of its Magic Motion Remote Control, which is expected to be on display at CES.
  • “Last year’s model let you navigate any 2011 LG smart TV like a Wii, and the refresh takes a new ergonomic design and adds voice recognition for text input, a scroll wheel, and Magic Gestures,” reports The Verge.
  • It has yet to be announced exactly what gestures are supported.
  • “The remote also has a new 3D button you can push to turn on the TV’s 2D-to-3D conversion software — that’s probably not terribly useful, but might make for a neat parlor trick when you have guests over,” jokes the post.
  • LG says the new Magic Motion will be available in the first quarter of 2012.

U.S. Judge Gives Go-Ahead for Potential Lawsuits Against Facebook

  • Facebook “can be sued by people who claim showing advertisements that their friends ‘like’ violates a California law regarding commercial endorsements,” reports Bloomberg Businessweek.
  • U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose has cleared the way for Facebook users to sue the social network over its use of their likenesses in sponsored ads.
  • The case centers on claims regarding sponsored stories, which use the names and profile photos of users who have “liked” a given brand.
  • The judge ruled that plaintiffs could claim they had been economically harmed by the ads, but tossed out a claim that Facebook had unfairly profited from the ads.
  • “We are reviewing the decision and continue to believe that the case is without merit,” wrote a Facebook spokesman in an e-mailed statement.

Motorola Mobility Says More Smartphone Users are Accessing TV Content

  • The number of Americans using smartphones to access TV content is on the rise, according to a new study by research firm Vanson Bourne, on behalf of Motorola Mobility.
  • Survey results suggest the numbers account for nearly a quarter of U.S. consumers — an almost five-fold increase, reports Connected Planet.
  • Some 9,000 consumers in 16 countries were polled, with results indicating that trends in mobile networking and social media continue to influence TV viewing.
  • Consumers spend an average of 12 hours online per week and an additional six hours engaged in social media. “The result of this convergence is Social TV with about 60 percent of global respondents saying that they have discussed a program with friends on social networks.”
  • “With the traditional broadcast TV industry under pressure, and their adoption of new IT infrastructures generally being almost a decade behind telecom, they should be seriously worried by telcos offering TV type services,” comments Connected Planet.

Antitrust Regulation: $39 Billion Bid for T-Mobile USA Ends

  • It’s official: AT&T announced yesterday it has ended its effort to purchase T-Mobile USA. The company explained it could no longer combat federal opposition to form the nation’s largest cellphone service provider.
  • “The decision to scrap the $39 billion takeover — which would have been the biggest deal of the year — is a major setback for AT&T, which had pinned its hopes for growth on the acquisition,” reports The New York Times. “The company wanted T-Mobile’s cellular airwaves, or spectrum, to relieve its congested network and offer faster service for data-hungry devices like the iPhone.”
  • Consumer advocates believe the merger would have led to a powerful duopoly of AT&T and Verizon Wireless.
  • “Consumers won today,” said Sharis A. Pozen, the Justice Department’s acting assistant attorney general for antitrust. “Had AT&T acquired T-Mobile, consumers in the wireless marketplace would have faced higher prices and reduced innovation.”
  • AT&T said in a statement that it would continue to invest in wireless spectrum, and suggested that wireless customers “will be harmed and needed investment will be stifled by the regulators’ decisions.”

Experts Suggest Gesture Recognition is the First Step Toward 3D UIs

  • EE Times provides an interesting overview of the technologies and uses of 3D gestural user interfaces in this article by Dong-Ik Ko and Gaurav Agarwal of Texas Instruments.
  • “Gesture recognition is the first step to fully 3D interaction with computing devices,” begins the article. “The authors outline the challenges and techniques to overcome them in embedded systems.”
  • Featured sections include: 1) “Limitations of (x,y) coordinate-based 2D vision;” 2) “z (depth) innovation” (such as stereo vision, structured light patterns and time of flight sensors); 3) “3D vision technologies;” 4) z & human/machine interface;” 5) “Technology processing steps;” 6) “Challenges for 3D-vision embedded systems” (such as two different processor architectures and lack of standard middleware); and 7) “Anything cool after z? (new ways to see beyond, through, and inside people and objects).”
  • “Gesture recognition takes human interaction with machines even further. It’s long been researched with 2D vision, but the advent of 3D sensor technology means gesture recognition will be used more widely and in more diverse applications,” predict the authors. “Soon a person sitting on the couch will be able to control the lights and TV with a wave of the hand, and a car will automatically detect if a pedestrian is close by.”
  • Ko and Agarwal suggest that gesture recognition is only the beginning: “Transparence research will yield systems that are able to see through objects and materials. And with emotion detection systems, applications will be able to see inside the human mind to detect whether the person is lying.”

Predicting CES TV Tech Trends: OLED, Better 3D, Voice Control, More Apps

  • Senior editor Dave Katzmaier and television reviewer Ty Pendlebury of CNET offer their predictions regarding what TV tech trends to look for at CES 2012.
  • “Dave’s Divinations” include: 1) More passive 3D, cheaper active glasses with a universal standard, better 3D picture quality; 2) LEDs will outnumber non-LED LCDs (“Add CCFL-based LCD TVs to the list of ‘almost dead’ TV technologies”); 3) Better Internet suites, more Web browsers, and Google TV, voice control/search, and built-in Skype; 4) Bigger and cheaper TVs (“Sharp’s resurgence in 2011 with its relatively affordable 70-inch TVs hints that other makers will also strive to make jumbo flat panels more affordable”); and 5) Cameos by bigger OLED and next-gen glasses-free 3D, including a 40-inch-plus OLED from LG.
  • “Pendlebury’s Prognastications” include: 1) Kinect in your TV (“we’ll see at least one TV featuring technology from Israeli company PrimeSense, which develops the 3D sensors used in Kinect”); 2) Bezel-less TVs (“such as this year’s Samsung D7000…with an incredibly slim bezel”); 3) OLED (“won’t be a viable technology until about 2015, but this year we’ll see more bendy, wacky, and see-through OLED panels”); 4) 1080p passive 3D (“where the TV performs the shutter effect — this is opposed to active systems, which feature shutter glasses”); and 5) Remote viewing apps (“watching content directly from the TV tuner or HDMI input”).
  • The post includes a fun “Blast from the Past” section for those of you who like to revisit reports from previous CES events.

The SOPA Piracy Debate Rages On: Looking at Both Sides

  • PaidContent has published a compelling analysis of the controversy that has recently arisen over the Stop Online Piracy Act.
  • “The issue isn’t that complicated,” suggests the article. “At its core, it’s about deciding the role of different industries in monitoring and enforcing intellectual property rights. Unfortunately, the debate so far has been all about hysterics and hyperbole. SOPA supporters are casting opponents as free-loading, unpatriotic criminals. Meanwhile, the bill’s detractors say that brand owners want to bring about Chinese-style censorship and the ‘end of the Internet.'”
  • ETCentric staffer Phil Lelyveld points out that the article provides a rational assessment of both sides of the SOPA discussion and offers additional context to the Wikipedia blackout story we reported earlier this week.
  • “The problem with this rhetoric is not just that it’s inaccurate but that, after a point, it’s boring,” suggests paidContent. “The SOPA screaming attracts partisans but few people who want to discuss a balanced approach to the piracy problem.”
  • The article calls for “a shift not just in substance but in tone” that would lead to a rational public discussion on intellectual property enforcement.
  • ETCentric‘s Dennis Kuba submitted a related CNN opinion piece written by leaders of Global Voices Online, an international citizen media network. As an example of the passion emerging from this subject, the editorial concludes: “Passage of the Stop Online Piracy Act or Protect IP will send a loud signal to governments everywhere that it is fine to monitor and censor citizens’ online behavior to catch and prevent ‘infringing activity,’ which too often means political and religious dissent. The result will be a world even more dangerous and difficult for bloggers and activists than it already is.”

CALM Down: FCC Instructs Advertisers to Lower the Volume

We finally have progress on the CALM Act. After making its way through Capitol Hill, the act has formally been adopted in a ruling by the FCC, and will go into effect in December 2012.

“Responding to years of complaints that the volume on commercials was much louder than that of the programming that the ads accompany, the FCC on Tuesday passed the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM) to make sure that the sound level is the same for commercials and news and entertainment programming,” reports the Los Angeles Times.

The act, which makes it so commercials will have to “remain in-step with the audio levels of scheduled programming,” comes a year after Congress passed commercial volume legislation and instructed the FCC to create enforcement rules.

“I cannot tell you how many hundreds of citizens have told me — personally, through emails and letters, at public hearings, even across the family dinner table — how obnoxiously intrusive they find loud commercials,” explained FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps.

“We’re glad that consumers are finally going to get some relief from extra-loud TV ads,” said Parul P. Desai, policy counsel for Consumers Union. “People have been complaining about the volume of TV commercials for decades.”

Secret Record Label Demands: Will Subscription Music Ever Be Profitable?

  • Digital music veteran Michael Robertson, founder and former CEO of MP3.com and current CEO of MP3tunes and DAR.fm, offers a compelling take on digital music services in GigaOM.
  • Robertson suggests that the economics of the current digital music subscription model is one-sided, based on copyright law that grants record labels and publishers a government-backed monopoly, forcing services such as Spotify, Rhapsody, MOG and Rdio to comply with their demands.
  • The article contends that the current model may make it impossible for digital vendors to turn a profit.
  • Until recently, strict non-disclosure agreements prevented a full understanding of this part of the industry. “For the first time, people are talking, and these previously secret demands are being made public,” writes Roberston, before he details eight ways the labels and publishers are constraining music services.
  • Areas of concern include: 1) General deal structure; 2) Labels receive equity stake; 3) Up front (and/or minimum) payments; 4) Detailed reporting, including monthly play counts; 5) Data normalization; 6) Publishing deals; 7) Most favored nation (deal term demanded by every major label); and 8) Non-disclosure (strict language prohibiting the digital music company from revealing what they pay to the labels).
  • Robertson’s final note: “Online radio services such as Pandora take advantage of a government-supervised license available only to radio broadcasters thus sidestepping dealing with record labels. While the per-song fees are daunting, they bypass virtually all of the terms listed above.”

Lumus to Demo 720p See-Through Video Glasses at CES

  • Coming to CES: Lumus will preview its see-through HD video glasses that offer clear 3D video in 720p and even allow interaction with the world via augmented reality.
  • A 1080p version is also on its way, but commercial offerings of the glasses may not happen for some time.
  • “The lenses are completely transparent (and can be tuned for folks with vision problems) and when enabled the glasses display a crystal clear, 87-inch screen about ten feet away from you,” which TechCrunch reports is stunning. “The displays themselves are 1280 x 720 pixels and Lumus has created iPhone-compatible adapters that can display HD video right through the pumps and into the lenses.”
  • “Although these guys will be showing their gear at CES, they’re going the OEM route and are currently looking for partners to use the technology in AR displays, video games, and media players,” explains the post. “There won’t be any Lumus-branded ‘They Live’ style super glasses any time soon, although they do have some major players interested in the technology.”
  • TechCrunch predicts that wearable devices such as this will eventually replace hand-held screens.

Trillion-Frames-Per-Second Video: The Slowest Fastest Camera

  • Researchers at MIT have developed a new imaging system that can record one trillion exposures per second. “That’s fast enough to produce a slow-motion video of a burst of light traveling the length of a one-liter bottle, bouncing off the cap and reflecting back to the bottle’s bottom,” reports MIT News.
  • Andreas Velten, one of the system’s developers at the MIT Media Lab, describes it as the “ultimate” in slow motion: “There’s nothing in the universe that looks fast to this camera,” he explains.
  • “The system relies on a recent technology called a streak camera, deployed in a totally unexpected way,” explains the article. “The aperture of the streak camera is a narrow slit. Particles of light — photons — enter the camera through the slit and pass through an electric field that deflects them in a direction perpendicular to the slit. Because the electric field is changing very rapidly, it deflects late-arriving photons more than it does early-arriving ones.”
  • However, to produce the super-slow-motion videos, the crew needs to perform the same experiment repeatedly: “It takes only a nanosecond — a billionth of a second — for light to scatter through a bottle, but it takes about an hour to collect all the data necessary for the final video.” Media Lab Associate Professor Ramesh Raskar calls the system “the world’s slowest fastest camera.”
  • “Although impractical for non-repeatable situations like filming live action, this research could lead to better, cheaper lighting,” points out ETCentric staffer Phil Lelyveld.
  • Be sure not to miss the 3-minute MIT Media Lab video.

Facebook Now Responsible for More Than Half of All Online Sharing

  • Social sharing remains on the rise and mobile sharing has grown over 600 percent since 2010, according to a new comprehensive report from sharing platform AddThis and social data aggregator Clearspring that analyzed more than 1.2 billion users.
  • According to the study, Facebook now comprises 52.1 percent of sharing on the Web. Twitter makes up 13.5 percent (52 percent in Japan, interestingly) and has shown 576.9 percent growth.
  • “Tumblr sharing has grown over 1299.5 percent, and is accelerating. This growth sharply contrasts with Digg and Myspace, whose sharing rates continue to fall (by 47.7 percent and 56.9 percent respectively),” reports The Next Web. “Facebook continues to grow, and Chrome is on its way to becoming the world’s most social browser.”
  • The post includes an infographic that outlines 2011 social sharing trends.

Panasonic 3D Plasma Named as CES Design and Engineering Honoree

  • Panasonic has been named a CES Innovations Design and Engineering Awards Honoree for its 65-inch Professional Plasma Display.
  • The company is targeting the home theater and post-production markets with its TH-65VX300U and claims the display’s “color reproduction approaches digital cinema standards.”
  • According to the press release: “The display’s ultra high-speed drive technology achieves clear and extremely detailed 3D video and also enhances 2D content. The advanced drive provides smoother gradation, which is double the smoothness of conventional models, resulting in richer gradation expression in a dark area of the screen allowing the viewer to see what is happening in extremely low-lit areas.”
  • The release also suggests the high-speed drive technology enables “crisp and clear” images, especially for sports and action films.
  • “The display also features a scaler bypass function which allows for pure degradation-free images and the use of an external scaler,” explains Panasonic. “With 3D images…the display features phosphor improvements and original lighting controls that deliver clear images with virtually no crosstalk.”

Network World Offers a Quick Gadget Preview for the 2012 CES

  • Network World has posted a slideshow of 20 gadgets and services expected to be featured at January’s CES.
  • The products are no surprise since they were already showcased at CEA’s recent press event in New York City, but the slideshow is a fun teaser for some of the gadgets we can expect to hear more about next month.
  • Highlights of the slideshow include: Biscotti HD video calling system that plugs into your HDTV, the Tailgater Portable HDTV System from Dish Network, Motorola’s $299 Universal Lapdock 100 with 10-inch screen and keyboard, the $80 ZAGGkeys FLEX keyboard accessory for universal smartphone and tablet support, Polaroid’s new Z340 camera with SD card and instant printing, and Sennheiser’s $150 X320 headphones designed for the Xbox 360.

TechRadar Staff Outlines the 10 Gadgets to Look Forward to in 2012

  • TechRadar offers an interesting snapshot of the 10 gadgets their staff is most looking forward to in 2012, some of which we should expect to see at CES next month.
  • “Where once we were waiting on the influx of dual-core tablets, now we’re looking at a quad-core revolution on the horizon,” explains the post. “We were looking forward to Android 3.0 and Google’s Chrome OS, but now we’re clamouring for Android 4.0 and Windows 8. Gaming also looks set to have a bumper year, with new consoles and technologies coming, and this is all before we get the usual raft of awesome announcements at CES 2012 in January.”
  • The following comprise the 10 picks that the TechRadar staff are most excited about: 1) New video streaming options and other content for the Amazon Kindle Fire — “perhaps the best gadget bargain of this era;” 2) Wii U with 1080p output, 3D support and a new controller; 3) Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime — the first Nvidia Tegra 3 tablet; 4) Windows 8 tablets with Metro interface and support for ARM processors; 5) Apple’s 2012 tablet (iPad 3 with retina display?); 6) PlayStation Vita with quad-core graphics processor; 7) Asus Padfone with Android 4.0 and Nvidia’s Tegra 3 quad-core CPU; 8) Sony PlayStation 3D display — “a brilliant way to get into 3D gaming without totally breaking the bank;” 9) Android 4.0 tablets with varieties of apps and widgets; and 10) Ultrabooks “that get it right.”