AWS Deadline Cloud Service Scales Up Instant Render Farms

Amazon Web Services has launched a new cloud computing service called AWS Deadline Cloud that allows customers to set up, deploy, and scale rendering projects in what the company says is mere “minutes,” improving efficiency by facilitating parallel rendering pipelines. “With Deadline Cloud, customers creating computer graphics, visual effects, or innovating their pipelines to incorporate artificial intelligence-generated visuals can build a cloud-based render farm — aggregated compute — that scales from zero to thousands of compute instances for peak demand, without needing to manage their own infrastructure,” according to AWS.

The AWS Deadline Cloud accommodates “built-in customization tools and integrations with digital content creation (DCC) software, such as Autodesk Arnold, Autodesk Maya, Foundry Nuke, and SideFX Houdini,” Amazon explains in a news announcement that emphasizes end-uses such as “design, modeling, animation, visual effects, and more.”

The platform, which has its own startup wizard, whollly integrates with onsite compute.

With Deadline Cloud “you can reduce the effort and development time required to tailor your rendering pipeline to the needs of each job,” Amazon says in a blog post that includes step-by-step installation instructions.

Pricing, however, is not specified, and the platform may be more suited to enterprise than individual users. The blog post says cost can be vetted using something called “the Deadline Cloud usage explorer,” which will “approximate compute and licensing costs based on public pricing rates in Amazon EC2 and Usage-Based Licensing (UBL).”

SiliconANGLE notes that Amazon says it is “making that infrastructure available to filmmakers and other content creators at a much lower price point,” explaining that “Deadline Cloud’s model is structured in such a way that customers pay for only the computing resources they need, when they need them,” which “enables customers in the media and entertainment industries, as well as others such as architecture and engineering, to access AWS’ most powerful servers and render content for TV shows, movies, advertisements, video games” and more.

With Deadline Cloud, “AWS is betting on increasing demand for tools that help media, entertainment and other execs navigate the ins and outs of cloud-based rendering,” writes TechCrunch.

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