- BitTorrent’s share of U.S. Internet traffic has declined significantly, especially compared to Europe and Asia. A recent report attributes the difference to the availability of legal alternatives.
- In the U.S. BitTorrent now accounts for only 11.3 percent of peak Internet traffic. Last year, it represented 17.3 percent.
- By comparison, in Europe BitTorrent and eDonkey make up almost 30 percent of traffic. In Asia, it accounts for 27 percent and other P2P services add 11 percent more.
- “The MPAA is slowly starting to realize that consumers are not all out to steal content, they simply want to consume,” reports TorrentFreak.
- “I believe it’s critical to find solutions to the challenges facing both these consumers and the people who create the content. Because at the end of the day, this discussion is about consumers and by consumers who love TV shows and movies. They want to be able to access them quickly and safely online,” wrote Marc Miller on the MPAA blog.
- “The challenge for the entertainment industry in the years to come is not to invent ways to stop piracy but to make it less attractive, by ensuring that consumers get timely access to the content they want independent of their location, and on demand,” suggests TorrentFreak.
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