Instagram Meteoric Success: Top Brands Take Photo-Sharing Seriously

  • About 40 percent of the world’s most popular 100 brands are active on photo-sharing service Instagram, according to a new report from Simply Measured.
  • Facebook boasts a 98 percent rate among the Interbrand 100, while Twitter has reached a 94 percent adoption rate.
  • While Instagram trails Facebook and Twitter in adoption, the young service has expanded much faster than its social media predecessors. Instagram has grown from 15 million users in 2011 to 80 million users.
  • Simply Measured expects Instagram to grow to 100 million users this fall. Facebook and Twitter took four and five years, respectively, to reach 100 million users.
  • “This aggressive growth has provided a massive marketing opportunity and top brands are taking that seriously,” explains Simply Measured CEO Adam Schoenfeld.
  • MTV is currently Instagram’s top brand with 813,201 users. Luxury brands do especially well, with Burberry, Gucci, Audi, and Tiffany & Co. all in the top ten.
  • In a related CNET article, Pinterest — the popular social network that encourages its members to “pin” images and videos — has begun open registration, allowing users to join via Facebook, Twitter or email login without having to wait for an invitation.
  • “We’re really excited to have the capacity to offer Pinterest to more people,” notes the Pinterest blog, “and if you’re a Pinner with friends who’ve been waiting on the sidelines, we hope you’ll let them know.”

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