BuzzFeed Experimenting with TV Integration, Says Chief Exec
By ETCentric
June 26, 2015
June 26, 2015
BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti told a crowd at the Cannes Lions advertising festival this week that his company is experimenting with ways to bring the BuzzFeed brand to TV and possibly movies. “We want to do TV, but we want to do it in a different way,” he said. “We resisted for a long time. People kept pitching us TV shows but we didn’t know anything about TV, and our special powers came from having a closer relationship with our audience.” BuzzFeed may begin testing initial concepts on platforms such as YouTube and Facebook before making the transition to TV, suggests The Wall Street Journal. “If you could figure out a way to say people are really connecting… why can’t you make a TV show that’s informed by that?” Peretti asked.
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