- “Where once was a television landscape dominated by two clear competitors with leaders in broadcast and cable, there is now is a crowded field populated by numerous other players such as Netflix, YouTube and Hulu which have begun creating their own original content,” reports Broadcasting & Cable. “Added to that space — and complicating matters — is the increasing importance of a strong, branded digital presence.”
- These topics and more were discussed by cable executives at the Hollywood Radio & Television Society’s Cable Programming Summit in Beverly Hills.
- Multiscreen viewing has become an objective for cable programmers. “While the cable executives agree that great content is the catalyst for a great social presence, expanding the brand to multiple platforms has become a necessary step for all players,” notes the article.
- Original content drives online social interaction both before the show launches and during the run of the show.
- AMC’s “The Talking Dead,” for example, was the after-show online access to “The Walking Dead” cast and crew on Twitter. TNT is running a Facebook Timeline of “Dallas.”
- “I don’t think there’s ever a point you can sit back and say…that the platforms have established themselves and we know what we’re doing. The constant theme that we’ve all learned [is that] we all need to evolve or die,” explained Carmi Zlotnik, Starz managing director. “It’s a fascinating period, where the creativity and what we do in shows is evolving at the same time as the platforms that they’re placed on changes as well.”
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