Can Wikipedia Be Used to Predict Future Movie Box Office Revenues?

  • Researchers have recently used Twitter to forecast election results, changes in stock market prices and box office revenues. Now, researchers are turning to Wikipedia for similar forecasting.
  • Marton Mestyan of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary and his team of researchers have used Wikipedia behavior patterns to predict box office revenues a month before films are released, writes Technology Review.
  • Number of views, number of human editors, number of edits, and a factor known as collaborative rigor all contribute to the predictions.
  • “We show that the popularity of a movie could be predicted well in advance by measuring and analyzing the activity level of editors and viewers of the corresponding entry to the movie in Wikipedia,” explains Mestyan.
  • One problem with the system is that it only seems to work for high-revenue films. Mestyan says the Twitter predictions have similar problems predicting revenues for films that do not do well at the box office.
  • He says that his method works up to a month in advance, while Twitter only works after the film has been released.
  • Technology Review cautions that making “predictions” about the past (creating correlations between data sets) is one thing, and actually making accurate predictions about the future is another.

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