Microsoft Files Patent for Multiplayer Head-Mounted Display

Microsoft has filed a patent application for a multiplayer gaming headset that could one day rival the Oculus Rift. The application, first filed in January 2012 and recently made public, includes technology related to voice interaction, eye-tracking, facial recognition, and various components for tracking head movement. If the patent application is more than a defensive measure, it could extend the Xbox platform into new hardware and new locations. Continue reading Microsoft Files Patent for Multiplayer Head-Mounted Display

Moto X May Reveal Why Google Acquired Motorola Mobility

Motorola introduced its Android powered Moto X on Thursday, the first smartphone released by Motorola since Google acquired the company two years ago. The new handset features persistent notifications, user-customizable design components, instant photo-capture and hands-free authentication. The defining feature, however, is the integration of Google Now. “The Moto X is the first in a series of hardware products that Google hopes will supercharge the mother company’s software and services,” reports Wired. Continue reading Moto X May Reveal Why Google Acquired Motorola Mobility

Moto X Contextual Computing Closed to Third-Party Developers

Motorola Mobility says it will not initially allow third party developers to create applications that use the contextual computing capabilities of its new Moto X Android smartphone, which is a feature that makes the phone distinct from its competitors. According to analysts, the move is perceived as an example of how Motorola is protecting what it thinks is its competitive advantage. The company aims to have the Moto X do more, but more efficiently. Continue reading Moto X Contextual Computing Closed to Third-Party Developers

Obama Administration Vetoes ITC Ban on iPhones and iPads

In a rare move this weekend, the Obama administration vetoed the International Trade Commission’s ban on the import and sale of certain Apple iPhones and iPads. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman cited concerns regarding patent holders gaining “undue leverage.” He also noted the potential harm to consumers and competition in the economy. The veto reverses a legal victory for rival Samsung, although Froman said the company can continue to enforce its patents through the courts. Continue reading Obama Administration Vetoes ITC Ban on iPhones and iPads

Developers Struggle to Build Ideal Apps for Every Smart TV

Developers face significant challenges in creating apps for smart TVs due to the large number of devices. Most manufacturers have their own platforms, with limited compatibility among them. TV makers are beginning to simplify the programming process by adopting HTML5, while bringing an app to multiple platforms still requires significant resources. Netflix devotes major resources to creating its apps, but few may be able to follow their example. Continue reading Developers Struggle to Build Ideal Apps for Every Smart TV

Netflix Hopes to Bring Increased Intelligence to Smart TVs

Netflix has started a quiet effort to address problems with smart TVs. The company is in talks with tech companies and consumer electronics manufacturers in order to find improvements to user interfaces, remote controls and other smart TV components. The idea of Internet content combined with TVs began in the mid 1990s, but some believe progress has been slow. New apps, services and compelling content are needed to engage viewers to purchase and use smart TVs. Continue reading Netflix Hopes to Bring Increased Intelligence to Smart TVs

New Apple Services Could Eventually Replace Game Consoles

Apple is hinting that it is developing bridges to connect devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops to televisions, avoiding the need for dedicated game consoles. In a little noticed announcement at its annual Worldwide Developer’s Conference, Apple revealed that it is allowing third party manufacturers to produce game controllers for iOS devices. Apple will also begin to use new faster Wi-Fi standards to improve services such as AirPlay. Continue reading New Apple Services Could Eventually Replace Game Consoles

Sports Broadcasters Go Free Dimensional for Enhanced Replays

Many argue that 3D television has yet to go mainstream in sports due to the need for special glasses, lack of programming, and the overall expense. Now, 4K video cameras are being used to capture high quality video that can processed by software from Replay Technologies called freeD. It will offer more crisp, wider video views than what is currently offered on HD broadcasts. FreeD can also create multiple angle instant replays that surpass current offerings. Continue reading Sports Broadcasters Go Free Dimensional for Enhanced Replays

Viewer Data Used to Shape Netflix Content and Experience

Netflix’s use of data helps determine what its customers want to watch and how they want it presented. The company’s newest original show, “Orange Is the New Black,” is partially the result of analyzing viewer data. Netflix is using all types of collected viewer data in order to create content and to possibly shape the user experience. Viewer data is collected from multiple sources: Netflix, third party metadata and social media. Continue reading Viewer Data Used to Shape Netflix Content and Experience

Are Millennials More Drawn to Netflix than Other Services?

Millennials are an age group that keep cable executives up at night. Many do not own actual TVs, do not pay for cable, and rarely pay for Internet content. Generally, this generation grew up on free media content. But Netflix offers its original programming in ways that satisfy this generation’s need to have immediate access to content, regardless of when and how. This contrasts with traditional broadcasters airing shows first on TV, then later online. Continue reading Are Millennials More Drawn to Netflix than Other Services?

Research Points to Dramatic Increase in Wearable Computing

Juniper Research predicts that wearable computing shipments will grow tenfold in the next five years, eventually reaching 150 million by the end of 2018. The researcher cites health and fitness industries, in addition to tech firms such as Apple and Google, as the primary catalysts in pushing shipments. Juniper forecasts health and fitness industries combined to account for more than half of the devices shipped, while smart watches and glasses are expected to also drive adoption. Continue reading Research Points to Dramatic Increase in Wearable Computing

Google is Testing Personalized Local News for Google Now

Google is testing a local news service as a feature or content “card” in Google Now, its intelligent personal assistant that is currently available in newer Android versions, and in the newest Google Search app for iOS. Local news is a logical addition to Google Now since the personal search assistant’s main purpose is to provide information that is “contextually relevant” to the user, based on interests, time of day, and location. Continue reading Google is Testing Personalized Local News for Google Now

Court Rules Former College Athletes Can Sue Electronic Arts

A federal appeals court is allowing a group of former college athletes to sue Electronic Arts over allegedly using their likenesses in video games without their permission. This is one of two legal actions this year against the company by former college players. EA has claimed First Amendment rights, but the appeals courts have disagreed. The issue also involves the NCAA and calls into question policies regarding profits generated from college sports and players. Continue reading Court Rules Former College Athletes Can Sue Electronic Arts

Showtime Adds Live Programming to TV Everywhere Service

Showtime Networks announced yesterday the addition of live East and West Coast feeds of its programming to Showtime Anytime, the network’s TV Everywhere service. Subscribers can now watch the network’s content live on their computer, iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire and Android phones and tablets. According to the press release, the “announcement marks the first time a premium network has offered live TV viewing on an authentication service.” Continue reading Showtime Adds Live Programming to TV Everywhere Service

Starbucks to Become Significant Media Distribution Platform?

Google is partnering with Level 3 Communications to offer free Wi-Fi service at more than 7,000 Starbucks location in the U.S. The service is expected to be about 10 times faster than the T1 connections currently provided by AT&T (which had reportedly offered to upgrade its service). The new Wi-Fi will be available in some stores next week with a complete rollout scheduled within 18 months. In addition, the upgraded Starbucks Digital Network will offer new media distribution opportunities. Continue reading Starbucks to Become Significant Media Distribution Platform?