Aereo Future Could be Threatened by Copycat Aereokiller

Broadcasters have been facing legal obstacles in their attempts to have TV startup Aereo shut down. Interestingly, there might be new hope for them in a legal case involving an aptly named company called Aereokiller LLC, which is a copycat company claiming to using similar technology to Aereo, streaming broadcast networks over the Web and possibly threatening Aereo’s future. Continue reading Aereo Future Could be Threatened by Copycat Aereokiller

Tech Giants Developing Open Source Networking Project

According to Raymie Stata, former chief technology officer at Yahoo, deciding to change the way a network operates can lead to cases where you have to physically rearrange hardware. But here’s the problem: networking gear is often old and outdated. While developers are constantly creating and updating software for computers and smartphones, hardware development remains relatively stagnant. Continue reading Tech Giants Developing Open Source Networking Project

New Leap Motion Controller Draws Interest from Developers

The upcoming Leap Motion Controller allows users to control their computers with gestures. But this goes beyond the basics like hand motions or jumping around and enters the realm of “painting” on the screen via fingertips with incredible control. Autodesk and other drawing-focused software makers are among those working with Leap Motion to make apps compatible with the new Controller. Game makers are also developing for the device. Continue reading New Leap Motion Controller Draws Interest from Developers

NAB 2013: Cisco Unveils Vision of its Second Screen 2.0

In a room at the back of the Cisco NAB booth (North Hall, A113), and in a few session presentations by UK VP of technology Simon Parnall, Cisco is showing its vision of the next generation of in-home audiovisual experiences. The company has prototyped a system that allows browsers to work among multiple tiled screens, seamlessly joined in any configuration, and built into walls in the home. Continue reading NAB 2013: Cisco Unveils Vision of its Second Screen 2.0

Are Streaming Sites Missing a Social Viewing Opportunity?

Among those who do not subscribe to cable, or may not own own television sets or have their own accounts for the variety of streaming services available online, sharing password information for sites like HBO Go, Netflix, Hulu and others is increasingly common. Although data on this trend has yet to be quantified by the likes of Nielsen or comScore — conversations, articles, posts and social media chatter seem to all indicate it is on the rise. Continue reading Are Streaming Sites Missing a Social Viewing Opportunity?

Increasing Number of Viewers Turning to Streaming TV

A recent eMarketer survey was conducted to analyze how American Internet users are viewing TV shows. Participants were also asked how they would feel about replacing their televisions with streaming services like Netflix or Hulu. A surprising 80 percent of users said that they would consider the option. The research firm estimates significant growth in the number of viewers consuming digital TV over the Internet within the next four years. Continue reading Increasing Number of Viewers Turning to Streaming TV

The Impact of Electronic Devices on Developing Minds

What will the future look like, when the generation of children growing up on portable screens ascends into adulthood? The long-term neurological effects are yet unknown, according to Dr. Gary Small, director of the Longevity Center at UCLA. However, what is known: the brain is highly sensitive to screen-based stimuli and spending too much time on devices and less time with people could hinder communication skills. Continue reading The Impact of Electronic Devices on Developing Minds

Fraunhofer Experiments with LED Broadband Possibilities

Here is an example of what is sure to make you think differently about broadband connections: an emerging field of LED broadband aims to turn light bulbs into data transmitters by manipulating the rate at which they flicker. German company Fraunhofer is researching these types of optical communications technologies and has discovered a lighting system that delivers up to 3 Gbps. Continue reading Fraunhofer Experiments with LED Broadband Possibilities

Social Gaming Giant Launches Real-Money Games in UK

Zynga launched two real-money games, ZyngaPlusPoker and ZyngaPlusCasino, in the United Kingdom on April 3. Powered by the gaming operator, the social gaming giant is starting off with download and Web versions of the games, while hinting at social versions to come later in the year to Facebook and mobile in the UK. Only players 18 years and older are permitted to play the real-money games. Continue reading Social Gaming Giant Launches Real-Money Games in UK

New StorEbook Reader Uses Natural Voices to Tell Stories

The Web-based reader “StorEbook” has expanded on the idea of computers interacting with users via voice technology. During last week’s Foundry event, the audio book’s “voice synthesis engine” was demonstrated as it recited the classic tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” The Web-based app, which uses AT&T’s Natural Voices, provides story characters with multiple voices, creating a new dynamic to the idea of “story time.” Continue reading New StorEbook Reader Uses Natural Voices to Tell Stories

Insiders Say Peter Chernin Bidding $500 Million for Hulu

Multiple sources suggest that Peter Chernin, former president and chief operating officer of News Corp., has formally bid around $500 million for Hulu through his Chernin Group holding company, reports Reuters. Chernin helped launch the online video streaming service in 2007, which is currently controlled by Disney and News Corp. (co-owner Comcast relinquished corporate control as a concession when purchasing NBCUniversal). Continue reading Insiders Say Peter Chernin Bidding $500 Million for Hulu

NAB 2013: TV Industry Moves Toward 4K Ultra HD Format

While 4K Ultra High Definition TV has yet to make it into the living room, the industry is moving forward with new cameras, evolving standards and early television production. Sony Pictures Television, for example, is producing select pilots with digital cinema cameras, while 3Net is forging ahead with its Total D strategy that includes producing versions of programs in both 2D and 3D at multiple resolutions. Initial tests for broadcasting sports in 4K are just around the corner. Continue reading NAB 2013: TV Industry Moves Toward 4K Ultra HD Format

Facebook Home Replaces App Icons with Social Launcher

Facebook has unveiled its Home suite of apps and home screen replacement for Android phones. Engadget reviews the new UI featured on the HTC First smartphone. Home essentially serves as a skinned version of Android OS that offers deeper Facebook integration than the social network’s normal app. It behaves as the phone’s launcher, so instead of a regular lock screen, users will see the Cover Feed, which emphasizes updates from people instead of apps. Continue reading Facebook Home Replaces App Icons with Social Launcher

Mobile: Mark Zuckerberg Talks Facebook Home with Wired

Facebook’s newly unveiled Home is the social networking giant’s attempt at making the transition to mobile. Home is not the long-rumored Facebook Phone, but a suite of apps that turns any phone into a Facebook device. Even with the lock screen on, users can see photo streams and friends’ activities, as Home puts people front and center. Updates also appear on the home screen. Home places an emphasis on Facebook as a primary communication tool.  Continue reading Mobile: Mark Zuckerberg Talks Facebook Home with Wired

Snapchat and Fleeting Messaging Apps Grow in Popularity

Led by the popular photo-sharing app Snapchat, a number of startups are challenging the belief that everything one posts online is destined to be online for eternity. Even social networking giant Facebook recently released a Snapchat-like feature called Poke, which enables users to send notes, pictures and videos to their friends that dissappear after an allotted amount of time. Continue reading Snapchat and Fleeting Messaging Apps Grow in Popularity