Public Testing: Google Glass Available to Select Consumers

On Wednesday, Google announced it is accepting applications for people who want to try out its futuristic Google Glass eyewear. Previously, they’d only been made available to software developers, but it is clear the company wants to find out what the public thinks of the anticipated product. Additionally, Google announced more information about the product, whetting the appetite of the curious. Continue reading Public Testing: Google Glass Available to Select Consumers

Startup gazeMetrix Tracks Brand Images on Social Sites

Startup gazeMetrix uses computer vision and machine learning to recognize brand logos in photos posted on Instagram and other social media sites. Co-founder and CEO Deobrat Singh leads his company as it tries to analyze images for marketing and advertising purposes. The end goal is making it easier for companies to track and promote brands online and targeted ads. Continue reading Startup gazeMetrix Tracks Brand Images on Social Sites

HPA Tech Retreat: Sony to Shoot Several New Pilots in 4K

At the HPA Tech Retreat, Sony Pictures Television announced its plans to shoot between three and five pilots in 4K this season, perhaps signifying the beginning of a shift towards popularizing 4K. At last month’s CES in Las Vegas, there was a big push for the Ultra HD platform; about 50 sets were unveiled. But after the conference, many were left to wonder if content and delivery would be made available for the currently expensive TV sets. Continue reading HPA Tech Retreat: Sony to Shoot Several New Pilots in 4K

HPA Tech Retreat: Digital Cinema Opens New Possibilities

During this week’s Hollywood Post Alliance Tech Retreat in Indian Wells, California, industry veterans are discussing the transition to digital cinema and what that means for the future of production, distribution and exhibition. “The industry has spent more than $3 billion… and by the end of this year I predict we will be releasing movies in the U.S. without any film prints,” said Jerry Pierce, chairman of the Inter-Society Digital Cinema Forum. Continue reading HPA Tech Retreat: Digital Cinema Opens New Possibilities

New Film Premieres in Clips on Vine Video Sharing Service

Twitter-owned video-sharing app Vine is designed for shooting and sharing short, looping clips with your friends. But what happens when those six-second snippets are delivered in succession to create a larger product? Film production company Oscilloscope is testing this approach by releasing its full-length feature film “It’s A Disaster” in short segments through the app. Continue reading New Film Premieres in Clips on Vine Video Sharing Service

Distributing Entire TV Seasons All at Once Has Downsides

According to Netflix, one in ten of its streaming subscribers have watched its exclusive drama “House of Cards.” On average, each of those viewers has taken in six to 13 episodes so far, of the 13 total available in season one – all of which was made available at one time. This delivery approach intended to capitalize on viewers’ desire to binge-watch entire seasons in short periods of time. Some see this distribution model as a risky proposition. Continue reading Distributing Entire TV Seasons All at Once Has Downsides

New Nickelodeon App is TV Everywhere Capable and More

After two years of research, asking 9- and 10-year-olds what kind of content they want to watch on an iPad, the results are in: they don’t want to watch very much actual TV. So instead of simply making its programming available on the iPad, Nickelodeon designed its new app as a noisy, colorful collection of animated clips, music videos and more, including actual full-length episodes. Continue reading New Nickelodeon App is TV Everywhere Capable and More

China Denies Cyberattack Allegations from Mandiant Report

After U.S. computer-security firm Mandiant Corp. accused China of stealing large swaths of data from U.S. companies, China flatly denied the accusation. In a 74-page report, the firm claims a group attached to China’s People’s Liberation Army stole data from 141 companies since 2006, 115 of which were in the U.S., spanning industries like information technology, telecommunications, aerospace and energy. Continue reading China Denies Cyberattack Allegations from Mandiant Report

Startup Hopes to Bring Affordable 3D Printing to the Home

The new, affordable 3Doodler from Boston-based WobbleWorks could help introduce 3D printing technology to the average, price-conscious home. The $75 3Doodler is a handheld version of the extrusion element found in most RepRap-style 3D printers, with a heat-shielded ergonomic grip. In order to better visualize the tool, Wired suggests you imagine a hot glue gun shaped like a thick marker, with the ability to print a fine line of plastics. Continue reading Startup Hopes to Bring Affordable 3D Printing to the Home

Oculus VR Believes the Time has Come for Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has yet to take a stronghold commercially, but a new product might change that. A new VR headset from California startup Oculus VR “costs just a few hundred dollars and puts players inside games like no television set can,” writes The New York Times. Resembling a pair of ski goggles, the headset is a combination of the affordable but high-quality parts made for the mobile electronics market and new technology from Oculus VR. Continue reading Oculus VR Believes the Time has Come for Virtual Reality

New Sony PlayStation to Allow for Streaming Games Online

More than 10 years ago, Sony executive Ken Kutaragi predicted that one day videogame consoles would become one with a network that linked players together, thus eliminating the physical console and allowing gaming to require only a display and controller. Now, Sony is preparing to reveal its newest PlayStation, on which gamers will be able to stream games via the Internet — one step closer to Kutaragi’s vision. Continue reading New Sony PlayStation to Allow for Streaming Games Online

Video Game Violence: Time for Industry Self Evaluation?

Columnist Todd Martens avoids violent entertainment unless it comes in the form of a video game. “It’s not because I write about them for a living. It’s because the modern, big-budget game that doesn’t celebrate the art of shooting is as rare these days as an original Intellivision console,” he writes. In other words, if you want to play modern video games, you almost have to play violent ones. Continue reading Video Game Violence: Time for Industry Self Evaluation?

Google Improves Voice Recognition with Neural Algorithms

In its latest version of the Android mobile operating system, Google installed a voice recognition system based on a neural network, or a computerized learning system that behaves like the human brain. The voice error rate on Android’s latest Jelly Bean is about 25 percent lower than previous versions of the software, making it far more comfortable for people to use voice commands on their devices. Continue reading Google Improves Voice Recognition with Neural Algorithms

Computer Mimics Randomness in Nature to Repair Itself

A new computer now operating at University College London mimics the randomness found in nature and can instantly recover from crashes by repairing its own corrupted data. Such a machine could be instrumental in keeping mission-critical systems working at all times in the face of technological breakdowns. For example, it could allow drones to reprogram themselves in the face of combat damage. Continue reading Computer Mimics Randomness in Nature to Repair Itself

Digital Future Report: Mobile Will Lead the Charge in 2013

Technology predictions for 2013 are in and it’s all about mobile this year. According to comScore, the movement toward mobile is taking place everywhere from shopping to media to search — all of which combined could lead to a difficult economic transition for some companies as they struggle to stay ahead of rapidly changing consumer behavior. Continue reading Digital Future Report: Mobile Will Lead the Charge in 2013