The Stage Is Set For Apple To Enter The Television Market

VideoNuze suggests that post CES, an Apple TV is inevitable. “Apple’s television opportunity is not simply to one-up the competition’s stable of smart TVs, but to re-imagine the entire TV experience as an integral part of our lives,” notes the post. Apple needs to combine components that already exist in the smart TV sphere and then “create an unparalleled experience layer that allows users to do things heretofore unimaginable.” Continue reading The Stage Is Set For Apple To Enter The Television Market

Do Employees Have the Right to Discuss Work on Social Media?

Employees sometimes take to Facebook and Twitter to discuss work-related matters — and employers usually don’t like that. But according to federal regulators, employers don’t have a say in the matter. In fact, regulators are passing down orders indicating employers have to scale back on policies that limit what their workers can say online. Continue reading Do Employees Have the Right to Discuss Work on Social Media?

Livestreaming Twitch Turns Video Games into Spectator Sport

Video game players began “speed running,” or playing through a video game as quickly as possible, and posting videos to the Internet for others to enjoy as early as the 1990s. But streaming technology is revolutionizing the speed running community, as Twitch allows viewers to watch players compete live. Just as people enjoy watching sports live rather than on a delay, people find live speed running more compelling. Continue reading Livestreaming Twitch Turns Video Games into Spectator Sport

Report: Worldwide Spending on Movies Up $1.3 Billion in 2012

Worldwide spending on watching movies last year reached $62.4 billion, up from $61.1 billion in 2011 and $60.1 billion in 2010, according to IHS Screen Digest. The numbers include theatrical releases, disc rentals, pay TV VOD and digital retail purchases and rentals. North America accounted for 41 percent of global movie revenue in 2012, although spending on physical media saw a decline. Continue reading Report: Worldwide Spending on Movies Up $1.3 Billion in 2012

Marketing Execs Anticipate Growth in Interactive Advertising

Marketing executives expect continued growth for interactive advertising this coming year. “According to AdMedia Partners and its 19th annual survey of industry leaders, nearly one-half (45 percent) of respondents believe digital advertising will grow by 10 percent to 15 percent in 2013,” reports MediaPost. During the past two years, the median growth rate remained consistent at 13 percent, says the report. Continue reading Marketing Execs Anticipate Growth in Interactive Advertising

Will Amazon Generate New Ad Revenue with Customer Info?

Google uses targeted ads and so does Facebook. But it turns out that Amazon’s treasure trove of 152 million customers’ data is at the top of the digital heap. “Since last year, the world’s largest online retailer has been packaging information on what it knows about consumers so that some marketers can use it to make split-second decisions about where to buy ads online and how much to pay for them,” reports Technology Review. Continue reading Will Amazon Generate New Ad Revenue with Customer Info?

Mobile: Amazon Could Challenge Apple in Smartphone Market

Amazon’s rumored entrance into the smartphone market could potentially complement the company’s struggling Kindle Fire and surging app store sales. An Amazon smartphone would not only push forward the already growing app store, but could give the company an outlet for mobile advertising — an area in which its unique collection of data could help predict future purchases. Continue reading Mobile: Amazon Could Challenge Apple in Smartphone Market

Digital Magazine Prices Surpass Cost of Print Subscriptions

In what may indicate a shift in print to digital pricing patterns, Cosmopolitan readers will now have to pay $19.99 for a digital subscription to the magazine on iPads. The cost of a year’s subscription for the print edition is just $10. In both the book and newspaper industries, print versions are usually still more expensive than digital ones. Continue reading Digital Magazine Prices Surpass Cost of Print Subscriptions

Study Shines Light On How Americans Feel About File Sharing

Americans oppose the use of disconnection and rate-limiting as penalties for illegal file sharing, according to a new survey from Columbia University research center, the American Assembly. With the support of Google, researchers Joe Karaganis and Lennart Renkema commissioned a public opinion survey about copyright enforcement attitudes and how consumers obtain media. The results may surprise you. Continue reading Study Shines Light On How Americans Feel About File Sharing

Next Big Sound Tracks Online Music Discovery and Sharing

Analytics provider Next Big Sound has released its State of Online Music report, which provides a detailed look at how social networks, streaming services, online radio and digital downloads are impacting the way consumers discover and share new music. Online growth was staggering in 2012 with a 45 percent increase in new plays, 67 percent increase in new fans and 6 percent increase in new profile views. Continue reading Next Big Sound Tracks Online Music Discovery and Sharing

Revamped Myspace Hits Snag with Independent Record Labels

Justin Timberlake released his latest song, “Suit & Tie,” on Myspace last week in order to promote both his new album and the revamped version of Myspace (Timberlake is a minority partner in the group that purchased the social network in 2011). The new Myspace, which lets users listen to music for free in order to help promote artists, has drawn early praise for its functionality and sleek design, but it may have hit a bump in the road as a coalition of indie record labels claims the network is using music from member labels without permission. Continue reading Revamped Myspace Hits Snag with Independent Record Labels

Disney Preps Infinity: New Universe for Interactive Gaming

“Disney Infinity”is a new interactive universe that allows children to interact with figurines in a digital world. It connects characters from Disney and Pixar movies including “Monster’s University,” “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “The Incredibles,”although Disney plans to add more before the June launch. With characters from different franchises interacting with one another, will we see any “Star Wars” entries? Continue reading Disney Preps Infinity: New Universe for Interactive Gaming

Study Reveals Funding to Social Gaming Dips Heavily in 2012

Things can change drastically in just one year, as evidenced by the downward turn in social gaming. Investment in the medium went down by about $1 billion in 2012. There’s an important rule to follow when considering the video game business, writes Digital Trends: “what seems suddenly like the most profitable new market in the world one day, can become a wasteland the next.” Continue reading Study Reveals Funding to Social Gaming Dips Heavily in 2012

Ayasdi Uses New Topological Approach to Big Data Analysis

Stanford mathematics professor Gunnar Carlsson’s startup Ayasdi uses topological data analysis to better understand huge sets of data. While other companies focus on handling queries, Carlsson’s approach analyzes the shape of data and identifies patterns and clusters. These clusters help people to understand the larger picture of the big data analysis, as the clusters can represent segments of customers or patients, for example. Continue reading Ayasdi Uses New Topological Approach to Big Data Analysis

Amazon Launches HTML5-Based MP3 Store to Compete with Apple

Amazon has launched a browser-based MP3 store featuring 22 million songs. The move directly challenges Apple since the store allows consumers to use their Apple devices to access music through Amazon’s Cloud Player app. Much of the music is cheaper than iTunes because Amazon does not have to pay Apple the 30 percent commission for sales through iTunes. This allows Amazon to offer specials like 69 cent songs and $5 albums. Continue reading Amazon Launches HTML5-Based MP3 Store to Compete with Apple