- According to comScore, Instagram’s traffic increased by an impressive 78 percent between March and April.
- Digital Trends credits the release of a new Android app and the $1 billion acquisition by Facebook.
- The question remains: What are Facebook’s plans for Instagram, especially following the announcement of competitor Facebook Camera?
- “It’s entirely plausible that while Facebook is slowly developing its mobile experience for users with new Facebook branded apps and increasing its brand presence on mobile phones, the company is slowly preparing for its first horizontal integration via the rumored Facebook phone,” notes Digital Trends.
- “After Facebook has comfortably developed and grown its core suite of Facebook mobile applications, while at the same time maintaining acquisitions including Instagram, we could expect these apps to be ported over to the Facebook phone, and displayed as Facebook’s native applications,” adds the post. “Thanks to Instagram that could mean the potential for 50 million Facebook phone owners.”