Collide: Google Shares Web-Based Open-Source Collaboration Tool

  • Google shuttered the collaborative coding project that programmers Scott Blum and Jamie Yap had built, but the company has released their work to encourage open-source development.
  • The project, named Collide (short for “Collaborative Integrated Development Environment”), allows multiple programmers to work on a single project at the same time in a similar fashion to Google Docs.
  • “Yap said he hopes releasing some of the Collide project as open-source software will give it a new lease on life outside Google or lead to improvements at other online development tools,” reports CNET.
  • “This is a small slice of useful functionality that we hope can serve as a catalyst for realizing what our original intentions were with our project,” explains Yap.
  • “There are some pretty gnarly ideas around code review and version control workflows floating around (not enabled) in some of the client code in Collide that we hope will see the light of day soon,” he adds. “There are some pretty crazy things you can do with a hosted development environment.”

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